
Det var jag som knep Skalleper


Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 2729

Chip by The Cheat
XM made in Sk@le Tracker
1.31 Minutes

Det var jag som knep Skalleper [Zip] (4 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 3003

Stream Music by Gouafhg
256Kbps Mp3, made in Jeskola buzz
3.33 Minutes
Voted 3rd place!

Överall [Zip] (0 KB)

Mer tid ger mindre trance, men inte denna gång


Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 2913

Streamed Music by The Cheat
128Kbps Mp3, made in Fruityloops
3.21 Minutes

Mer tid ger mindre trance, men inte denna gång [Zip] (0 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 06
Download count: 2653

Music tracked in Madtracker 2. Released at Birdie 2006, 8th in Multichannel music compo.

Varan [Zip] (848 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 06
Download count: 2683

Ogg by Gouafhg. Released at Birdie 2006, freakin' 17th in streamed music compo!

Dan [Zip] (5292 KB)



Platform: Amiga
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 2608

Protracker module by Gouafhg, released at deadline harakiri that finished 2nd out of 2. But it had a REALLY GOOD VOTE SCORE!

Ferie (579 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 2902

XM by Gouafhg that was released at deadline harakiri and placed 7th. Allthough they played it with interpolation... ;>

Gräsmatta (36 KB)

Gameboy compo


Platform: Gameboy
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 5856

Named gameboy compo since it competed in the gameboy compo at deadline harakiri and WON! (only contender...)

MP3 of the song (2710 KB)
SRAM gameboy savestate for LSDJ (32 KB)

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