


Release date: 2009-11-21
Platform: All
Released at: Kindergarden 2009
Download count: 2609

Image made by Fred.

Came last.

Image, view in browser. (523 KB)

Boxes and Starsis


Release date: 2009-09-12
Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2009
Download count: 7378

by Fred / The Gang

Image in zipformat (99 KB)
View in browser (99 KB)
Description file (0 KB)



Release date: 2009-08-29
Platform: All
Released at: Compusphere 2009
Download count: 7338

GET_POST by Fred / The Gang

Image and steps in zipformat (236 KB)
View in browser [Png] (51 KB)
Description file (0 KB)

Bild 2


Platform: All
Released at: Compusphere 2007
Download count: 5531

Graphics by Fred
PNG made in PaintShop Pro 9
Made in about 30 minutes
Came fourth in the graphic compo.

Bild 2 [Zip] (308 KB)
View in browser [Png] (91 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5533

Drawn Graphics by Fred
PNG made with PaintShop Pro 9
Made in about 30 minutes
Came third in the highres graphic compo.

Spaceman [Zip] (524 KB)
View in browser [Png] (86 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5477

Drawn Graphics by Nisse
PNG made on a Nokia 770 with Sketch
Came second in the highres graphics compo.

Kobojesare [Zip] (44 KB)
View in browser [Png] (44 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5464

Drawn Graphics by Fred
PNG made in Paint Shop Pro 9
Made in 30 Minutes as usual
Came third in the lowres graphics compo.

Neighbour [Zip] (133 KB)
View in browser [Png] (38 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5794

Drawn Graphics by The Cheat
PNG made in Paint Shop Pro
Came second in the lowres graphics compo.

älv-fred [Zip] (0 KB)
View in browser [Png] (0 KB)

Blue inside


Platform: All
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 2834

Really nice PC-pic by fred. He needs regards, please think of him while watching etc. Placed 3rd at deadline harakiri with 3 2/3 points!

Blue inside (112 KB)

Shit, I'm done for!


Release date: 2005-06-18
Platform: All
Released at: Compusphere 2005
Download count: 3154

Made for some kind of slideshow at first, but not anymore, haha.
by TheCheat

Release version (18 KB)

Stunning Effects


Platform: All
Released at: Compusphere 2005
Download count: 12082

Third place at Compusphere 2005 in the Hires Graphics Compo.
by Nisse

Stunning Effects (502 KB)
workstep 1 (39 KB)
workstep 2 (354 KB)
workstep 3 (388 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Deadline 2007
Download count: 3357

For the Freestyle Graphics compo at Deadline 2007.

Made by Nisse.

View in browser (782 KB)

Är det en katt?


Release date: 2004-11-28
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6404

Image by Fred for the oldschool graphics compo at Dreamhack Winter 04. Made it 8th!

RAR archive with steps and final (5 KB)
View in browser (1 KB)



Release date: 2004-11-28
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6361

ASCII art by Fred for the surprise ASCII compo at Dreamhack Winter 04

RAR archive with .txt and screenshot (5 KB)
View in browser (4 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6638

Released for the Freehand graphics compo. Drawn by Nisse

Three steps and final in one zip (1886 KB)
View in browser (514 KB)

Out of time


Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6730

Winner of the Oldschool graphics compo at Dreamhack Winter 2004. Drawn by Nisse.

Three steps and final in one zip (48 KB)
View in browser (23 KB)

En skön natt på stan


Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6688

Third place in the Oldschool graphics compo. Pixeled by TheCheat.

zip-file with three steps and final image (51 KB)
View in browser (20 KB)

Arbetsplats by Fred


Release date: 2004-08-01
Platform: C64
Released at: Little Computer People 2004
Download count: 6145

Image released in the Graphics compo. Placed 15 of 16.

C64 executable (2 KB)
View in browser (2 KB)

The Pacifist by Nisse


Release date: 2004-04-01
Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 3451

Image released in the Graphics compo. Placed 15 of 26.

PNG Image (342 KB)

Köttflipper by Fred


Release date: 2004-04-01
Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 6534

Image released in the Graphics compo. Placed 20 of 26.

Zip file with PNG image and steps (10 KB)
View in browser (3 KB)

The Gang Logo


Release date: 2004-04-01
Platform: Amiga
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 6364

Ansi (Amiga BBS style) by Fred to the ansi compo. Compo was canceled since this was the only contribution.

Ans file, PNG image and text (5 KB)
View in browser (4 KB)

Krabba by Fred


Release date: 2004-02-01
Platform: Amiga
Released at: Jamaica ROM 2004
Download count: 5975

Fast GFX compo (30 min). Drawn in Deluxe Paint on Amiga, Placed 7 of 7.

IFF Amiga image (19 KB)
View in browser (3 KB)

Space Pirates


Release date: 2003-11-30
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2003
Download count: 3532

By Nisse. Came 1:st place in the Oldschool Graphics Compo. (Hurrrray)

Zipfile containing final and steps (56 KB)



Release date: 2003-11-30
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2003
Download count: 3615

By Gouafhg. Came 9:th place in the Oldschool Graphics Compo.

Zipfile containing final and steps (16 KB)

Creator of worlds


Release date: 2003-11-30
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2003
Download count: 3400

By Nisse. Came 10:th place in the Hand Drawn Graphics Compo.

Zipfile containing final and steps (589 KB)



Release date: 2003-07-27
Platform: C64
Released at: Little Computer People 2003
Download count: 6518

By Nisse. Came 7:th place in the C64 Graphics Compo.

C64 executable (30 KB)
Also avaible as .png-file (3 KB)

A bit sad she is the poor lonley fairy


Release date: 2002-12-01
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2002
Download count: 6396

A freehand graphics image by Nisse.
18:th place.

TIFF image (318 KB)
Also avaible as .png-file (229 KB)

Everything on this site is © The Gang 2002-2008. Valid xhtml and css
For more info contact: